Friday, November 16, 2007

A list.

1. Man, I love Bailey.

2. There is no way Derek ever had an afro [and wasn't Burke the one who played sax?].

3. Finally, yet one more piece of info about Alex's past. Or did we know that already?

4. I don't know if I could be a writer on Grey's anymore, as they have once again stolen [kinda] a plotline I would have used - next week there will be ambulance chaos [of course in my Detroit version of this, a crazed gunman is involved - so there is still material to be used].

5. As further evidence that Grey's reflects my life entirely [or that someone is stalking me and my blogs] a kid got a pencil in his eye. Everyone knows my favorite way of saying that something is annoying the hell out of me is that I want to poke a pencil in my eye. Example sentence: "Reading William Faulkner makes me want to poke out my own eye with a pencil."

6. Wait, revised example sentence: "Gizzie makes me want to poke out my own eye with a pencil."

1 comment:

Heart Detroit said...

whoa man, way to go all crazy with the formatting